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Cranberry Goat Cheese Parfait in Parmesan Crisps

Cranberry Goat Cheese Parfait in Parmesan Crisps by Chef Dave Bergmann of Bergmann’s on LombardChef Dave Bergmann,
Bergmann’s on Lombard

Chef Dave recommends making parmesan crisps in a few small batches so the cheese can be moulded before it hardens.

Parmesan Crisps
2 cups shredded parmesan cheese

Cranberry Goat Cheese Parfait
1 cup goat cheese, softened
6 Tbsp heavy cream
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp maple syrup
2 Tbsp pecans, finely chopped
1 Tbsp dried cranberries, finely diced

Parmesan Crisps

  1. Preheat oven to 325˚F.
  2. On a baking sheet lined with parchment, drop one heaping tablespoon in a 2-inch circle. Bake for 6-8 mins.
  3. Before cheese hardens, mould into cups using a mini-muffin tin

Cranberry Goat Cheese Parfait

  1. In a mixer, whip goat cheese and cream until smooth.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and mix until combined.
  3. Pipe filling into parmesan crisps.
  4. Garnish with chopped chives.

Yields 24 Crisps