6 recipes to make you love beans
In the midst of stocking up on limited grocery runs, and a need for more people to cook at home, beans have suddenly gained recognition as the all-stars of the pantry. Here are six recipes collected from Winnipeg's best chefs that make great use of legumes of all varieties.
Pit Beans
Turn canned beans into a sweet and spicy side for barbeques and rib roasts with this recipe from chef Roger LeBleu of Lovey’s BBQ.

This hearty, authentic rendition of French cassoulet—a rich mix of white beans, pork, sausage, and duck confit—comes courtesy of chef Tristan Foucault, then-chef of the Peasant Cookery.

Vegetarian cassoulet
Not a meat eater? You can still enjoy cassoulet with this filling, lentil-packed recipe from chef Ben Kramer, at the time chef at Diversity Food Services.

Chocolate chili
Put a twist on classic weeknight chili with the addition of local producer Bon Vivant’s chocolate chili sauce.

Carrot and butter bean soup
This simple and soul-warming soup from owner Marla Bernstein of Bernstein’s Deli has only four ingredients.

Southwest chorizo soup
Owner Dave Schultz of Saucer’s Cafe provided this recipe for a piquant, bean filled chili-like stew punched with Southwest flavour from chipotle and chorizo.