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Kale and Sweet Potato Salad

Chef Grant Danyluk,

Confusion Corner Drinks + Food

Grant has been honing his cooking skills under the tutelage of some of Winnipeg’s great chefs for nearly fifteen years. He enjoys bringing elements of a dish together for an impactful result. This multi-component signature salad offers an opportunity to try this at home. It spotlights the fresh summer flavours of garden greens and smokey flavour of the maple vinaigrette. The recipe for the vinaigrette is high yielding and stores well.


Kale Salad 

2 bundles kale, torn from stems

1 cup crushed pistachios

1 cup crumbled feta cheese

1 cup fresh mint leaves

Smokey maple vinaigrette

2 cups spiced hummus

1 sweet potato, chopped and roasted

1 Tbsp olive oil

Smokey Maple Vinaigrette

1 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup maple syrup 

1/4 cup dijon mustard 

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1 Tbsp soy sauce

2 Tbsp smoked paprika 

1 tsp liquid smoke 

Spiced Hummus

1 can chickpeas 

1/4 cup tahini 

1 garlic clove

1 Tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp curry powder 

pinch turmeric 

1 tsp minced ginger 

1/2 tsp cayenne 

salt to taste

Forbidden Rice

1 cup cooked black rice 

2 cups vegetable or chicken stock

Roasted Sweet Potato

1 sweet potato, chopped into cubes

1 Tbsp olive oil



  1.  Whisk together all vinaigrette ingredients.
  2.  Dress kale in vinaigrette massaging leaves to coat entirely.
  3.  Marinade for about an hour in the fridge to tenderize the leaves

Forbidden Rice

  1.  Add soup stock and rice to a shallow pan and roast in oven at 400°F for 40 minutes until liquid is absorbed.

Spiced Hummus

  1.  Drain chickpeas and reserve liquid.
  2.  Add them, and all hummus ingredients to a food processor and purée until smooth.
  3.  Add a Tbsp or two of liquid to thin out consistency if desired.

Sweet Potato

  1.  Toss sweet potato with olive oil and roast in a 400°F oven for about 10 minutes.


  1.  Assemble salad bowls, placing a dollop of spiced hummus on the bottom and adding equal parts black rice to each bowl.
  2.  Divide the marinated kale between bowls.
  3.  Add crumbled pistachio, roasted sweet potato, crumbled feta and torn mint leaves to each bowl, distributing evenly.


Serve with a side of warm naan bread if desired.

Yield 4 servings


Since opening in the early noughties, Confusion Corner Food and Drinks (formerly Bar and Grill) has established itself as a cozy neighbourhood favourite, serving crowd-pleasing food with global perspective. Now nearly…

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